Thursday, June 27, 2019

Obligatory "It's Been A While'

Well, I think I covered all that in the title. I don't really feel the need to go into a long-winded, two or three (or ten) paragraph apology for not writing that most of you will just skim anyway. It's been a while. I'm sorry.

A recap of my hitherto undocumented life:

June, 2018: Went back West for two months. Got my first “official” job at a restaurant and loved it. Now I have dreams about owning my own restaurant. It’ll be a lot of work, and frightfully expensive, so I have yet to see if this dream will take me anywhere, but it’s always there in the back of my mind and I can’t shake it.

August, 2018: Came back to the East and got sick. Really, really sick. I stopped eating and lost almost twenty pounds. (I had cheekbones for the first time in my life. It was weird.)

September, 2018: Got my second “official” job. At a big supermarket. The Supermarket That Shall Not Be Named, or TSTSNBN, as I call it oh so affectionately.

February, 2019: Finally left my teens behind. Not sure how I feel about that, but, ya know, it could be worse.

March, 2019: Started trying to work out my taxes. Gave up and let my mother work the paperwork out. Maybe next year I’ll be able to figure it out for myself.

April, 2019: Some bad family news hit. Easter week was pretty rough. Had to juggle work, siblings, dogs and campnano. Dropped campnano like a hot potato and haven’t been able to write anything since then.

May, 2019: Started working full time. Suddenly there is no time left. Zero. None.

June: Decided to try my hand at writing again, because I miss it.

So yeah. I exist again. Hello to my old friends of blogspot, if you’re still around. I've missed this place.


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