Thursday, January 5, 2017

Meet The Millahs!

Seeing as how January is the eighth month I will have had this blog I figure it's time to introduce my family.

See, we're the average, everyday, one-of-a-kind sort of family, ya know? There are eight of us all together (Mum and Dad included), and in modern America that's kinda big. We stand out when we go places. In the church we attended before we moved our Pastor Jim and his family were from Boston. When he or his wife would greet us at the door they would call out "It's the Millahs!" In their snazzy Bostonian accents. It stuck. We are The Millahs. Even among people who never met our wonderful Pastor Jim we are "The Millahs."

So, here I am to introduce the rest of The Millahs. (In order of age.)

-My Excellent Mother: Has epic hair. Plays the handbells. Sings tenor.

-My Esteemed Father: Jack of all trades. Usually has sawdust in his hair. Writes poems.

-Kennedy: Younger than me by a year. Is a 'cuber.' Does parkour. Is taller than me.

-Krisbe (de la Squankie): Shorter than me. Has longer, thicker, prettier hair than me. Really good at paper art of various kinds.

-Rego: Also taller than me. Bird-watcher supreme. Keeper of the Mighty Flame of Twelve Acre Wood.

-Hobbi: Our Golden Princess. Little pepperpot. Draws adorable pictures of the characters from Pride and Prejudice.

-Pippin: Smol. Energetic. Wants to build a helicopter/submarine hybrid when he grows up.

-Arthur: Krisbie's duck. Very uncivil. Does not believe in lizards.

There you have it, the notorious Millahs.

(This is the picture Hobbi drew of Jane Bennet. Isn't it darling?)


  1. Hi there!!!

    You have a lovely family. What a adorable drawing!!!

  2. I know right? They're pretty awesome.

  3. So do most first. He does occasionally grate on the nerves (he is terribly rude, you see) but he is certainly entertaining.
